Sunday, March 23, 2014

The problems I've faced

I can build a mesh fine, I can build a skeleton, I can build proper controls AND I can animate!
But no matter what I do, I haven't been able to get these things to work for me.
I ended up having to cave and using someone else's mesh.
I'm going to animate 3 different cycles from another person's mesh so I can at least come out of this disaster with a grade.
Here's fishbot. I made him in about 2 hours last night from scratch, hoping he would work. I did everything accurately, followed any digital tutors lesson I could find regarding rigging and what not, and the skeleton kept collapsing on itself.

I was working on Jojo here for a while (back when he was Vivi). Everything was fine until I tried operating the skeleton with my controls. I've looked at everything I possibly could to fix this, and even made a completely different creation from scratch to see if I could get something to work... No dice.

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