Friday, March 28, 2014

Introduction to Lighting in Maya Lessons 8, 9, & 10

Did these in one fell swoop. I think I can fairly understand the usage of shadows and ambient light, as well as the differences between raytracing shadows and Depth map shadows.

Introduction to Lighting In Maya: Lesson 5

Oh. My.
I didn't know about this!
Why did I not know about this!?
Looking through the spot light and moving it like a camera will make things with said lights SO MUCH EASIER!

By the power of Gray Skull, it just got BETTER!!

Feel like you're reading Facebook posts yet? I'd hope not, I think my grammar and spelling is above such dreadful game.

Introduction to Lighting In Maya: Lesson 4

Lighting may not be allowed in my job description, because I'm having a lot of fun with it!
I do believe I made that other crayon look like a flashlight in this scene.
As Bob Ross says, "We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents."

Intro to Lighting In Maya: El Numero 3

Light, light, light it up, light it up miister!
... That was terrible, I apologize.

Introduction to Lighting In Maya: Lesson 2

I've always known about these various default light settings, but for some reason I never even think about them anymore.
I'm definitely glad for the recap, it's giving me ideas.

Introduction to Lighting In Maya Lesson 1

As the title says.
Also, I like lighting! I can't WAIT!!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Callin' it quits!

I've done what I could, I've had to completely restart the entire couple week project with only the lesser portion of a day to do it.
Here's what I managed:
A guy running from my busted fishbot. Nothing big.
Same guy balancing on top of my fishbot. I REALLY want him to fall for some reason..
Dood (Prinny version of Dude) doing a creepy soldier march. Why is it creepy? If you need to ask, you may need help.

The problems I've faced

I can build a mesh fine, I can build a skeleton, I can build proper controls AND I can animate!
But no matter what I do, I haven't been able to get these things to work for me.
I ended up having to cave and using someone else's mesh.
I'm going to animate 3 different cycles from another person's mesh so I can at least come out of this disaster with a grade.
Here's fishbot. I made him in about 2 hours last night from scratch, hoping he would work. I did everything accurately, followed any digital tutors lesson I could find regarding rigging and what not, and the skeleton kept collapsing on itself.

I was working on Jojo here for a while (back when he was Vivi). Everything was fine until I tried operating the skeleton with my controls. I've looked at everything I possibly could to fix this, and even made a completely different creation from scratch to see if I could get something to work... No dice.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

I believe I am in need of a hero

So I managed to paint the weights... And This was the result. I cant get things to level out, and whenever I go and zero out things THIS happens. I'm going to TRY and salvage what I can, but worse case I wont be sleeping any time soon.

I'm going to attempt downloading a rig online and seeing if I can make some animations to save my grade, But doing that in 1 day (since I am busy till tomorrow, and then am busy all Monday) is a rather steep task..

Friday, March 21, 2014

Jojo the magnificent beast

He's rigged, he's got controls, now all he needs is proper weighting and I can do my animation. I already have the animation in my head frame for frame, so I'm hoping I can get this done swiftly.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

From Vivi to Jojo

So I thought about the whole "Creativity on Empty" thing and decided that I'd add a twist to Vivi. I thought I'd just make a girl version that I'd call Kiki, but then I thought "Why should I be easy on myself?" and decided to make Jojo here.

His lower body is entirely rigged and has controls (minus the tail, that needs controls).
I plan to come in tomorrow and finish rigging entirely and paint weights. I predict that, if something goes wrong, I'll be finished Sunday night. If nothing wonks out then I should end up with a very pleasant Saturday.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Working on Vivi

So I've modeled and sort of rigged Vivi. I have the bones made, next time will be painting weights.