Thursday, February 27, 2014

Give Vivi a hand!

Was that too cheesy? Oh well. I added the Strings, I upgraded the cuffs, Made the hands, and Added a little bit more detail to the hat and belt buckle. I plan to add more details to the belt, hat and jacket (them pockets) next time I'm free. But! I have Spring Sing all next week, so won't that be fun!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

That Darn Hat!

So far things are coming along quite well modeling wise, but the hat is starting to give me problems. I plan to take this into ZBrush for refinement, but I don't want to do that until I have the proper meshes made.
I am trying to add the red band, but the only way I can make a clean cut like that is with the insert edge loop. The problem, however, is that Maya won't let me use the tool on the hat.

Custom Walk Cycle: Vivi!

I'm going to let myself be a little bit ambitious and make this little guy.
His name is Vivi. He's the black mage character from the hit game Final Fantasy IX on the PS1.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Creating A Walk Cycle In Maya: Lesson 16

Adding some rotation Z to the arms. They now go back/forth and side/side.

Creating A Walk Cycle In Maya: Lesson 15

Swinging the arms.

Creating A Walk Cycle In May: Lesson 14

Moving dat Head 'n Neck.

Creating A Walk Cycle In Maya: Lesson 13

Working with the chest.

Creating A Walk Cycle In Maya: Lesson 12

He's got a bit of attitude now. Rotating the upper body from side-to-side.

Creating A Walk Cycle In Maya: Lesson 11

The hips don't lie.

Creating A Walk Cycle In Maya: Lesson 10

Just some tweaking to the toes, minor little details that i can handle.

Creating A Walk Cycle: Lesson 9

Adding some slight tilt to the feet, making things look more natural-ish looking.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

My new pet: Updated

Still in progress, but he needs a name. I'll do some more shaping and fix coloring/texturing later. My Friend here still needs a lot of work in the head, I was avoiding it because I forgot to add eyes, and having those makes things MUCH easier.

looking for a new pet

I spent the class working on this Dog/Ant creature. People are saying that it looks creepy, but I'm wanting him to look more like a plausible pet rather than a horror movie monster.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Volume 5 Lesson 14: END!

AAAAAND I'm Done!! To be honest, I may have had fewer troubles with the 5th volume than I did with all of the others. What you see in my turntable (starting from this volume project file, after posing) was my modjifications. I'm happy with how I made it look. It's like his, but I has a flair of me.

Volume 5 Lesson 13: Integrating with other programs

Manageable. For some reason I have a little trouble selecting the program I want to send to, but other than that things are quite well.

Volume 5 Lesson 12: Decimate ALL Polygons!!

Taking our millions of Polygons and reducing them to thousands while STILL keeping our detail.. Such a beautiful thing! Too bad about the rendering time though.

Volume 5 Lesson 11: Exporting

I think I can handle this.

Volume 5 Lesson 10: Rendering A Turntable

I'm rendering out a turntable, but it's gonna take a LONG time.

Volume 5 Lesson 9: BPR Filters

It took a few minutes, but I got it working.

Volume 5 Lesson 8: Light Caps!? What's a Light Cap?

I can see what he's doing, and I can understand why using these light caps would be useful… But I rather enjoy my custom lights more.

Volume 5 Lesson 7: BPR Basics

Some Render Modjifications. I think I can understand it.
I did some additional work with the lighting to make him look more menacing/intimidating. I'm enjoying my lighting/shadow work. I added an extra radial glow light right in the from to help bring out the looks of disgust on his face and to show off those orange pearlies of his.

Volume 5 Lesson 6: Lights!

I enjoy the lights portion! I enjoy it a lot!! If I'm not careful, I'll get distracted the rest of the night just playing with them.

Volume 5 Episode 5: Playing with grass

This… Isn't bad.

Volume 5 Lesson 4: 3D Layers

He looks so confused!! I feel for you little buddy!

Volume 2 Lesson 3: Cleaning up the posing hiccups

I'm not getting a lot of cooperation from ZBrush right now. I can't seem to get these tiny little details like the folds in the belly. I can exaggerate them, but not quite make them as realistic as I'd like.

Volume 5 Lesson 2: Problems with posing

I'm having some problems getting the posing to work right in ZBrush with its screwy interface.
I may need to go to bed and start back on it tomorrow in class, but lets see how far I can go tonight.
I can say I'm enjoin this little masking trick to help pose the model.

Volume 4 Lesson 12: Ending another reign of terror

Didn't really use a sense of design in dropping the rocks, just wanted to show I knew what was going on.

Volume 4 Lesson 11: Extracting Normal Maps and displacement maps

He said that this wasn't really involved with the project, just that he wanted to show it to us for a more well-rounded look at ZBrush. Also, due to my lack of sleep I temporarily caused the terrain to become an evil muffin trying to devour the alien. I need sleep, or I'll end up typing "need" as "Ned" again.

Volume 4 Lesson 10: Transferring Polypaint

This seems like it could really come in handy. But with the texture from UV map on this particular mesh all I see is an elevation chart.

Volume 4 Lesson 9: Spotlight Texturing

This seems quite simple. Now I just need to practice my blending.

Volume 4 Lesson 8: Reprojecting Detail

I may have hiccuped somewhere along the line. I'm pretty sure I just had the wrong mesh selected whenever I tried projecting detail.
I think he scrolled right as I took a screenshot.

Volume 4 Lesson 7: Much Polys

I can generally grasp what he's doing here. Drawing out these custom areas for the mouth and such.

Volume 4 Lesson 6: Tri-Part Brushes

He's making a hose to connect the two machines. Interesting. Able to insert three meshes at once? Excellent.

Volume 4 Lesson 5: MultiMesh Insert Brushes

This would definitely speed things up.

Volume 4 Lesson 4: Curve based brushes

By the power of Grayskull, I wish we had learned of this before mud box!!!

Volume 4 Lesson 3: Dynamesh

I may have inadvertently made a fossilized fish instead of a rock…

Volume 4 Lesson 2: Adding Stuff

He lost me a little bit on the spike part, but I think I can handle this stuff.

Volume 3 Lesson 12: Painting the metal thingy

I finished Volume 3. I'm tired. I've roughly 38 more videos to watch by Monday night, and 2 quizzes to take. I need sleep....

Volume 3 Lesson 11: Clipping Geometry

Masking and mashing our meetings. I think I can handle that. I can pretty well grasp what he's saying at this point.

Volume 3 Lesson 10: Projections

I can totally do this!

Volume 3 Lesson 9: Combining Meshes!

I'm enjoying this remeshing thing, I'll admit. I don't think I've quite grasped the ZBrush interface well enough to full manipulate it, but I kinda made a Bionicle head!