Monday, April 21, 2014

Final? Possibly.

I'm still considering whether or not I like the background. There may be changes between now and class time.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

My bot: As of Thursday before Finals

Colors not finalized, just playing with coloring till I can get this guy into keyshot. I'll put it on my computer after my finals this week.

Friday, April 11, 2014

My bot: At the moment

My bot is still a long ways from being done, and there is still a LOT of research I need to conduct, but I've a test coming NEXT WEEK that I really should prepare for.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Developing Expert Visualizations in V-Ray and Maya Lesson 20

Ding-Dong the Witch is dead.

Developing Expert Visualizations in V-Ray and Maya Lesson 19

Oh now he's just showing off!

Developing Expert Visualizations in V-Ray and Maya Lesson 18

I think I blinked. Did he just show an easier way to render!?

Developing Expert Visualizations in V-Ray and Maya Lesson 17

We started with a block, and now we are at this.

Developing Expert Visualizations in V-Ray and Maya Lesson 16

Cor Blimey! Things are escalating quickly!

Developing Expert Visualizations in V-Ray and Maya Lesson 15

Those Button shaders are also groovy.

Developing Expert Visualizations in V-Ray and Maya Lesson 14

This LCD stuff is groovy.

Developing Expert Visualizations in V-Ray and Maya Lesson 13

That was cool, but I have no idea how he did it.

Developing Expert Visualizations in V-Ray and Maya Lesson 12

Well What do you know! I was using someone else's, but their account got turned off after four lessons!

Developing Expert Visualizations in V-Ray and Maya Lesson 11

This looks interesting, but I feel like I didn't get a good enough look at it.

Developing Expert Visualizations in V-Ray and Maya Lesson 10

Metals. Yay.

Developing Expert Visualizations in V-Ray and Maya Lesson 9

I am stressed, I am upset, and Digital Tutors are being jerks to me. This will be fun.

Friday, April 4, 2014

enveloping Expert Product Visualizations in Maya and V-Ray Lesson 8

This is Groovy. No I just have to get my hands on the program..

Introduction to mental ray in maya lesson 15 &16

I've been through these particular lesson on multiple occaisons at different points while here at OC.

Introduction to mental ray in maya lesson 14

It's creepy how real that's looking.

Introduction to mental ray in maya lesson 13

Oh lordy, caustics.

Introduction to mental ray in maya lesson 12

I've grown quite weary. I think this is interesting! I am just weary.

Introduction to mental ray in maya lesson 11

Oh dear lord. I may have nightmares tonight.

Introduction to mental ray in maya lesson 10

Global illumination and Final gathering.

Introduction to mental ray in maya lesson 9

Dear lord these ones are long. I never knew someone could talk so much!

Introduction to mental ray in maya lesson 8

Dear lord, those photons.

Introduction to mental ray in maya lesson 7

He lost me a bit here, but I think I get the gist of it.

Introduction to mental ray in maya lesson 6

He took 6/9 minutes talking about it, then just three minutes to set it up.
But he didn't actually finish what he was talking about.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Introduction to Lighting in Maya Lessons 8, 9, & 10

Did these in one fell swoop. I think I can fairly understand the usage of shadows and ambient light, as well as the differences between raytracing shadows and Depth map shadows.

Introduction to Lighting In Maya: Lesson 5

Oh. My.
I didn't know about this!
Why did I not know about this!?
Looking through the spot light and moving it like a camera will make things with said lights SO MUCH EASIER!

By the power of Gray Skull, it just got BETTER!!

Feel like you're reading Facebook posts yet? I'd hope not, I think my grammar and spelling is above such dreadful game.

Introduction to Lighting In Maya: Lesson 4

Lighting may not be allowed in my job description, because I'm having a lot of fun with it!
I do believe I made that other crayon look like a flashlight in this scene.
As Bob Ross says, "We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents."

Intro to Lighting In Maya: El Numero 3

Light, light, light it up, light it up miister!
... That was terrible, I apologize.

Introduction to Lighting In Maya: Lesson 2

I've always known about these various default light settings, but for some reason I never even think about them anymore.
I'm definitely glad for the recap, it's giving me ideas.

Introduction to Lighting In Maya Lesson 1

As the title says.
Also, I like lighting! I can't WAIT!!